Friday, July 2, 2010

My blogging experience

I must say I never have had a blog previously. I only have visited some blogs of other persons. In general I consider it a good experience. The true is that my capacity for the computation is very worst, I don`t dominate the computation`s topic, but I have learned a lot, moreover the experience has been enjoyed. The practice the writer in English is very useful since in the writer`s exercise we can put in practice it learned.
The comments of our classmates permit us know the tastes of our classmates, each one are particular. The wit of each one we it can see in your opinions and the images that they put in your blogs. There are some sentences and images really good, for example the time when we shall write about one our photograph. That time was good photographs.
I think the write in our blogs have improve our English, since in the exercises we can put in practice it we have learned. Personality I liked the time that we wrote about the Chilean`s identity, although also I liked the time that we wrote about the Mr. Robinson, since that time let us think about the education, in particular we could do the connection with the Chilean case and our surrounding. The opinions that my classmates gave in that moment were very interesting.
I think the advantages of blog are our English improve. Maybe the disadvantages is the time limited, since I rarely finish to time and in my hose I have finished a lot of blogs and the comments. But in general the blog`s experience I considerate it good.
Well, that are my opinions about our experience with the blog.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Francisca`s blog

The blog I have chosen is the Francisca`s blog. The blog of Francisca call it “English?” She has written seven posts and she has received twenty three comments.
The post call “she isn`t sick, she`s a dancer” was wrote on Friday June 4, 2010. It is about Ken Robinson and his opinion on the education. Francisca rescued the principal ideas told by Mr. Robinson and she said her opinion about the topic, on which I agree. She did a relation between it say Robinson and the Chilean case, affirming that in the Chilean situation there are many problems relative to the education.
I think the post`s writing in general is right. The ideas are understandable. On the other hand, the topic is very interesting, I think that all of us have an opinion about the education, since we are students and we know of near the topic. When in the post she asks: “¿what is first…?” The form interrogative in English don`t must have interrogation`s sign to beginning. Also, maybe the text could have apart points, this way the text would be more organized. These are some ideas for improve the post, but the text is very well.
The three comments that the text has received are agree with the ideas said by Francisca, one of those comments was mine.
The words said by Mr. Robinson are for think us.

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Chilean culture

Our culture is a combination of ideas. For our history, since we were a colony, historically we have had many ideas and costumers incorporated in our idiosyncrasy: the language, the food, the politician’s order, etc. all things of our culture are from Spain and Europe in general. Spain in first time, France in the nineteen century, and USA in the twenty century to nowadays.
The main characteristic of the Chileans don’t respond to that mixture. All the characteristics of Europe we have changed because the culture received was assimilated to our way, and our way have a little of all, include the pre-Columbian culture.
The Chilean`s identity is very ambiguous. I think we don’t have a identity defined, but we doing efforts for overtake that identity that unite us. The soccer is a example of something that can us unite, but the Chilean`s soccer is weak, the sports in general in Chile are very poor. The writers in Chile are very famous in whole world, but in Chile there aren`t good readers, only a little group of person reader. I think the identity of Chile will develop in the future when the people will be more mature and the culture will be massive and deep.
I think the countries can be nationalistic when they have an identity strong, a tradition cultural and his habitants are informed, but in Chile don’t is it, the roots are superficial. However we can do something to respect. The culture can be developed and the identity can be strong.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Chascona museum-house of Neruda

I started to job in the Chascona in March of this year, and probably I will finish in the end year. I am working with Gonzalo, Cristòbal and Pablo, they are my classmates.
The photograph was taken for Rolando Baez. He is our boss, is a curator of the Chascona and also the Merced`s museum, is a expert about Latin-American colonial `art. He studied our carrier and after studied two magister relational with the colonial art.
The photograph was taken because Rolando needed some registers for a report, which had show the job that we being doing in the Chascona, because I have a polish craftsmanship in my hands. For the job is necessary used gloves since the object are delicates. There are a lot of object such as pictures, sculptures, craftsmanship, furniture, etc.
The photograph was taken one month ago; we were work when Rolando took us the photograph. The idea was show our work.
I like this image because in her we can see the objects of Neruda, which are very beautiful. Neruda was a collector, he kept all things. In the Chascona there are more the one thousand objects.
The Chascona I visited her when I was twenty years for first time. I remember that the thing that more liked were the bars; there are two bars in different levels of the house. Also I liked his library, he had a lot of books, some very old.
Is a good experience, I have learned a lot.

And remember, visit you Neruda's houses!

Friday, June 4, 2010

The education

I think the education topic said for Ken Robison, isn’t exclusive of education, since we can expand to other matters, in fact we can expand to all, since each activity, idea, profession is condition to social normative. The talents that can have any person, in the different area, is channel to conventional socials, like this, each person develop his potential in some determined by different person.
Few people can develops all his potential, in general the people only follow general opinions, but in whole history, always only a few people can develop them. The majority doesn’t have greats goals in the live, live day to day.
The education is a matter very important, since involves a lot of things, has relation with all practically.
The schools have a way of teaching for the majority, but the problem is that not we all are equal and the education considers the persons as if they were equal. The schools are the reflection of the ideas that dominate to the world. In the schools there is taught the things the world considers to be valuable, but often there isn’t space for other ways of thinking. Maybe the solution is that the education allows a different way of teaching and that the education is opened for new ideas to spread.
It is a complicated topic. The education is complex, not always there are progresses in this topic.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The technology

I must say that I am not a fanatic of the technology, though I admit that the technology is very necessary in these days.

The technological element that more I use is my notebook, since it is a tool necessary for the university study. I have it two years ago, and use it to write the works of the university, to look for information in the web and to communicate with my friends. I use it every day, especially my e-mail, but I am not too many hours opposite to the computer like other persons. The truth is that I don’t like so much my notebook, but I believe that it is necessary, use it for need.

There are many persons who use his computer to play video games, but I don’t like it. I have listened that there is a illness of the persons who can not leave Internet. They can not stop being connected, can happen ten hours connected. The technology can be very useful, but also it can be harmful. Is curious as the technology can approach to the persons, but also it can move away them. Since the people have more possibilities of communication, but they separate of the persons who surround it.

In conclusion, I am a user of the technology, but I use only what I need and my notebook is the technological element that more i use.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Travel for Niebla

I went to Niebla in the summer past, on February. The place is in Los Rìos`s region, near of Valdivia. I didn`t know the Chile`s south. Niebla is a wonderful place. There is a lot of mist such as his name it say. The weather is wet and cold. I went in summer but rained a lot.
In Niebla is the “Fuerte”, which is very famous, is the most tourists attractive, in the “Fuerte” they make a recreation of the past with old clothes and guns, when the Spanish fought with the pirates. There are old cannons and texts explain the history of place.
There lives my friend Yerko. He is an archaeologist, he lives with his girlfriend, she also is archaeologist. I stayed for one week. The travel is very long. I delayed eleven hours to arrive to Valdivia and at twenty five minutes arrived to Niebla.
In that place went to beaches, the “Fuerte”, the viewing point, I walked a lot. Also went to Valdivia where there are some museums of modern art and historical and his famous river: Calle-Calle.
I liked the travel. Niebla is a place very wonderful. The thing that I liked most of that place is his landscapes, the nature is very exuberant, there are a lot vegetation.