I must say I never have had a blog previously. I only have visited some blogs of other persons. In general I consider it a good experience. The true is that my capacity for the computation is very worst, I don`t dominate the computation`s topic, but I have learned a lot, moreover the experience has been enjoyed. The practice the writer in English is very useful since in the writer`s exercise we can put in practice it learned.
The comments of our classmates permit us know the tastes of our classmates, each one are particular. The wit of each one we it can see in your opinions and the images that they put in your blogs. There are some sentences and images really good, for example the time when we shall write about one our photograph. That time was good photographs.
I think the write in our blogs have improve our English, since in the exercises we can put in practice it we have learned. Personality I liked the time that we wrote about the Chilean`s identity, although also I liked the time that we wrote about the Mr. Robinson, since that time let us think about the education, in particular we could do the connection with the Chilean case and our surrounding. The opinions that my classmates gave in that moment were very interesting.
I think the advantages of blog are our English improve. Maybe the disadvantages is the time limited, since I rarely finish to time and in my hose I have finished a lot of blogs and the comments. But in general the blog`s experience I considerate it good.
Well, that are my opinions about our experience with the blog.
The comments of our classmates permit us know the tastes of our classmates, each one are particular. The wit of each one we it can see in your opinions and the images that they put in your blogs. There are some sentences and images really good, for example the time when we shall write about one our photograph. That time was good photographs.
I think the write in our blogs have improve our English, since in the exercises we can put in practice it we have learned. Personality I liked the time that we wrote about the Chilean`s identity, although also I liked the time that we wrote about the Mr. Robinson, since that time let us think about the education, in particular we could do the connection with the Chilean case and our surrounding. The opinions that my classmates gave in that moment were very interesting.
I think the advantages of blog are our English improve. Maybe the disadvantages is the time limited, since I rarely finish to time and in my hose I have finished a lot of blogs and the comments. But in general the blog`s experience I considerate it good.
Well, that are my opinions about our experience with the blog.