Friday, June 25, 2010

The Francisca`s blog

The blog I have chosen is the Francisca`s blog. The blog of Francisca call it “English?” She has written seven posts and she has received twenty three comments.
The post call “she isn`t sick, she`s a dancer” was wrote on Friday June 4, 2010. It is about Ken Robinson and his opinion on the education. Francisca rescued the principal ideas told by Mr. Robinson and she said her opinion about the topic, on which I agree. She did a relation between it say Robinson and the Chilean case, affirming that in the Chilean situation there are many problems relative to the education.
I think the post`s writing in general is right. The ideas are understandable. On the other hand, the topic is very interesting, I think that all of us have an opinion about the education, since we are students and we know of near the topic. When in the post she asks: “¿what is first…?” The form interrogative in English don`t must have interrogation`s sign to beginning. Also, maybe the text could have apart points, this way the text would be more organized. These are some ideas for improve the post, but the text is very well.
The three comments that the text has received are agree with the ideas said by Francisca, one of those comments was mine.
The words said by Mr. Robinson are for think us.

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