Friday, June 11, 2010

The Chascona museum-house of Neruda

I started to job in the Chascona in March of this year, and probably I will finish in the end year. I am working with Gonzalo, Cristòbal and Pablo, they are my classmates.
The photograph was taken for Rolando Baez. He is our boss, is a curator of the Chascona and also the Merced`s museum, is a expert about Latin-American colonial `art. He studied our carrier and after studied two magister relational with the colonial art.
The photograph was taken because Rolando needed some registers for a report, which had show the job that we being doing in the Chascona, because I have a polish craftsmanship in my hands. For the job is necessary used gloves since the object are delicates. There are a lot of object such as pictures, sculptures, craftsmanship, furniture, etc.
The photograph was taken one month ago; we were work when Rolando took us the photograph. The idea was show our work.
I like this image because in her we can see the objects of Neruda, which are very beautiful. Neruda was a collector, he kept all things. In the Chascona there are more the one thousand objects.
The Chascona I visited her when I was twenty years for first time. I remember that the thing that more liked were the bars; there are two bars in different levels of the house. Also I liked his library, he had a lot of books, some very old.
Is a good experience, I have learned a lot.

And remember, visit you Neruda's houses!

1 comment:

  1. Working in the Chascona is a great experience! But, it is my final semester there.
