Friday, June 4, 2010

The education

I think the education topic said for Ken Robison, isn’t exclusive of education, since we can expand to other matters, in fact we can expand to all, since each activity, idea, profession is condition to social normative. The talents that can have any person, in the different area, is channel to conventional socials, like this, each person develop his potential in some determined by different person.
Few people can develops all his potential, in general the people only follow general opinions, but in whole history, always only a few people can develop them. The majority doesn’t have greats goals in the live, live day to day.
The education is a matter very important, since involves a lot of things, has relation with all practically.
The schools have a way of teaching for the majority, but the problem is that not we all are equal and the education considers the persons as if they were equal. The schools are the reflection of the ideas that dominate to the world. In the schools there is taught the things the world considers to be valuable, but often there isn’t space for other ways of thinking. Maybe the solution is that the education allows a different way of teaching and that the education is opened for new ideas to spread.
It is a complicated topic. The education is complex, not always there are progresses in this topic.


  1. hello friend!
    The education is the great theme for the critic of Robinson. But it problem can expand to different area as you fine said.

  2. I agree with you...
    Maybe the solution is to try to develop all the abilities of children, without discounting the importance of art

  3. The education topics should be the second more important for the country, the first, obviously, the economics politics... I think that here is the problem: a free enconomy and the estate little protector.
