Friday, April 23, 2010


In general, I think the website is great. The combination of the website is good, since we can see and hear any matter. The divisions are clear and cover a lot of matter, such as the politics, the culture, the sports, the languages, etc. Each matter has his respective division and expands in different category. Whit internet we can gain access to learn and inform us. That is the advantage of this time, thing that before were not possible.
The language`s category is very interesting, it is very interactive and it have many levels with exercises. Learn English is more easy when hear and there is interaction. There are different exercises depend the difficult for each level. When we doing exercises interaction, is more easy remember the contains.
There is one video in especial that I liked a lot, the video show to England´s Princess Elizabeth when she was four year old. The recording was made in January of 1931, and shows the princess pose to photography. I think that recording is a historic document, should keep.


  1. I think that this web site we can learn not only Englinsh, besides a lot of politic, art, sport or culture in general.
    I hope that you practice with “Learn English” by BBC.

  2. Hi Emilio,

    I think that the most interesting point in all this is that the site gave us a fresh english class, you can learn with current information or current expressions and that is very useful for us (not native english speakers).

    See you

  3. I think it is a great tool to practice any day. And as Diego says "it is free" and that is not easy to find.
