Friday, April 30, 2010

Alfredo Jaar

I don´t remember when I knew to Jaar´s work. maybe knew him when made the Telefónica exposition in 2006.
The principal theme of Jaar is about social. He tries show us the things that we not see usually. He is very critcize about the modern life and his system capitalist, since the world now is very fast and foments the individualism way, the people only think in self and they don´t worry for other people.
The working-class, the mining, the poor people in general are the characters that find us in the work of Jaar.
The wall-steet was disturbed when the wrote: "THIS IS NOT AMERICA" in a mega screen, he wanted say that in USA is not American, since whole continent is American, but the work more important is the Rwanda project, where Jaar report the genocide in this country.
The Jaar´s exhibitions are always very interesting, since include a simple way in his pictures, he is a great photographer and a person very intelligent and whit social conscience.
Jaar is an artist incorrect politic, and before Roberto Matta, maybe is the chilean artist more important in the world


  1. Hi emilio,

    Actually, i don't know quite good jaar's work, but in general i like it.

    I think that a social conscious artist is totally praiseworthy.

    See you

  2. this exposition in Telefonica was great!
    have you seen his interview in "una belleza nueva"? it's interesting too


  3. Respect to Jaar I Know his artist work in USA. And their interview in "La belleza de pensar" (XD)

  4. in my opinion is prioriti in the artistic work to stablish one social consciense.

    i like Alfredo Jaar too

  5. I'm so agree with Jaar: USA is not America.

    He also studied architecture. In "La belleza de pensar" he said Architecture is the beginning of his artistic projects.
